
4 Ways Meditation Helps Create Amazing Sh*t in Life

4 Ways Meditation Helps Create Amazing Sh*t in Life

This article gets deep!!  You ready?!


Meditation is one of those topics that is not a sexy dinner conversation like real estate investing, but it’s one of those things that has come across many individuals’ paths but hasn’t been explored. If you speak to anyone who practices and has adopted meditation as a lifestyle will tell you it is one of the keys to mastering yourself on your grind towards your goals. Even Diddy meditates!


I can assure you that meditation has completely changed my life and if you were to tell me 4 years ago that I will begin a lifelong practice of meditation I would have pictured me becoming a monk!


Me? A monk? I’m good love, enjoy.


I’ll tell you one thing, when you quit your job and realize that you have no idea when your next check will come in, you’ll try anything under the sun. That’s when I got introduced to meditation and it’s been an ongoing practice ever since and has even helped me create some amazing shi*t in life.




“Patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” – anonymous


Meditation helps you develop a fortress of patience to protect your inner thoughts during any manifestation period. The manifestation period is the period in between you creating a thought and then seeing it actually become a reality. Whether the thought of you driving that car, obtaining that beach body, or increasing your net worth, when you want to level up in any area of life, there will be a lag time in between.


Life is a map, and your mind is the GPS. The only difference is that a GPS highlights your route and even tells you when you’re going to arrive at your destination. It will EVEN  tell you the updated ETA if there is a delay, roadblock, or traffic.


In reality, our minds are a GPS, but it doesn’t tell us when we’ll arrive at our destination nor does it tell us how delayed we are when we hit traffic or a roadblock. Not knowing that information can completely stir your mind and cause a civil war in your head.


It’s like the kids in the backseat asking “Are we there yet?….. Are we there yet?” but much more violent like “give it up, this is going to take too long” or “Damn, another delay? Is this even worth it anymore?”


Meditation helps you tell the voices in your head to SHUT THE HELL UP as you put your seat belt on and enjoy the ride; however long it takes.


After all, you’re probably only “10 minutes” away from your destination anyway.



2. Focusing on the present, not the future, not the past.

“True happiness is… to enjoy the present, without anxious  dependence upon the future.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Imagine thinking about all of your future successes, only for you to never realize them. Imagine being scorned by the past so bad that you never take action to improve your current situation. Meditation helps you realize that the past is the past, the future is unknown (no matter what imagery you have in your head), and all you have to work with is this very second.  (which is now gone as you read this)


Meditation is also a major combatant against worry and anxiety; common emotions felt when trying to “create shi*t.”


It helps you center yourself and realize that right now, you’re ok. It helps you realize that your worries and fears, which usually don’t occur, are just pictures and movies in your head of what you don’t want to happen.


Getting in tune with your current breath, the only breath you have to work with, will help create an awareness for you to properly analyze any given situation with less emotion and more natural logic.


As a matter of fact, as I’m writing this very sentence, I’m just finding out my car was towed. As frantic as I am right now, there’s nothing I can do about the past, they already towed it, it’s already done. If I focus on how “upset” I’m going to be in the future, it will steal energy away from what needs to get done this very moment.


I’m only going to focus on what needs to be done to get my car out, but to be clear, I will handle this AFTER I’ve handled my other more important priorities for the day.


That’s the power of focusing on the present.



3. It helps establish battle-tested discipline

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments” – Jim Rohn


Meditation helps you establish discipline which is a worthy virtue.


It’s not easy sitting still for an extended period of time. You’ll feel restless and uneasy, usually resulting in a change in action or adjustment. Same thing goes for any discipline you’re trying to establish.


Let’s face it, discipline sucks. Whether you’re trying to start a new workout regime or disciplining your kids; neither are fun.


After all the books I’ve read and continue to read, discipline is a fundamental concept of success. It’s also one of the main ingredients to changing any area of your life. Discipline is what gets you started and habit keeps you going. It’s starting and getting to the habit phase that’s hard.


Want a better body? You’ll need discipline to go to the gym until it becomes a habit where you feel “weird” if you don’t go.


Want a better financial position? You’ll need discipline to change how you handle money and then habit will create the momentum.


Want a better business? You’ll need the discipline to work on growing your business until your actions become habit and automatic.


The bigger the goal, the bigger the discipline that’s needed and meditation, which is a discipline, helps you begin and keep other disciplines.



4. Meditation brings you peace and clarity

“When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires  with you to make it happen.” – Fabienne Fredrickson


If you think that after a few meditation sessions, a radiant glowing light will emit from your aura as you hover around in true holiness then I’m sorry to report you’re sadly mistaken.


Meditation does, however, help bring inner peace, tranquility, and clarity into your life by quieting the mind and helping you dig deep on what you’re looking to accomplish. Clarity helps bring the goal into focus while allowing you to press through when there are hurdles in your path.


Your brain will go haywire if you let it and whatever you’re looking to create in your life will be the result of how clear you’re able to see it before it shows up. Your brain likes simplicity and clarity is power when it comes to improving any area of your life



All that to say….


Not sure if I’m able to say meditation is for everybody, but just like there is a wave among millennials that has us more conscience about what we eat and put into our bodies, mental well-being is starting to become more prevalent.


Meditation is easier to dismiss rather than take it on as a practice and lifestyle. I can only speak from experience, but it’s changed my life and helped me succeed in business. In the world of entrepreneurship where the work that you do doesn’t always equate to a paycheck, meditation helps you stay grounded as you continue your grind.


When you’re able to create something in your mind and then have the patience, clarity, discipline, and focus to manifest that, it helps create some awesome sh*t in life.

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