
5 Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job

5 Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job

I can remember it like it was yesterday.


“Austin, are you really serious about thi……nevermind, I can tell you’re serious.”


He couldn’t even finish his question seeing the expression on my face, understanding that there was no way I was changing my mind at that point. My supervisor gave me his “best of luck” comment and I left his office.


I had just gave my two weeks notice.


As a recent college graduate, I gave a 30 month stint in “corporate America” and decided to quit my job to go into real estate full time. Not to mention my version of corporate America included a nice cubicle in a warehouse of a company that sold LED lighting products for commercial and industrial projects. Don’t get me wrong, the company was fun to work for. The company was called MaxLite.


It was the people that were fun to work with rather than the work I was doing.


Nonetheless they were a cool company, just not one that matched anything I really wanted to do in life. After all, I had already decided I was going to stay at the company for two years the moment I accepted the job. I made it out in two and a half years…..not bad for a prediction.


The only other time I did this was when I worked at Friday’s, my job right before my office job. I accepted the position as a server and told myself I’ll be out in 6 months — I was out in 5.


So how do you know if it’s time to quit your job?


Let’s be clear on one IMPORTANT aspect. There is a complete DIFFERENCE between understanding that it’s time to move on and being ungrateful. I’d be damned to act ungrateful for a job that I definitely needed at the time I applied. While at MaxLite I worked hard and even stayed late to make sure things got done. I even gave myself my own promotion by taking one of the most undesirable positions in the company just to earn $9,000 more. I was a processor in the “Returned Goods Authorization” department. I’ll tell you what that is later in the article.


Whether your instinct is telling you to start that business, quit and find another job, or even find another crappy job you don’t like, these 5 signs make it clear as day that it’s time for you to move on.



1. You’ve already planned your exit strategy before you started your first day of work and now time is up!


I mean, hey, that’s what I was doing. When you have this mentality you already know that you’re in a job that you see as a stepping stone, not your career, not your passion. That’s ok if you feel that way. With these types of jobs, I’m pretty sure your boss feels the same way based on the amount they’re paying you. If you know this is a pit stop on your way to your career endeavors, realize it’s just that and nothing more. Work hard, but keep your eyes on the prize. Remember what you said when you first started about how long you planned to be there. Sure your job can change and become everything you ever wanted, but if it’s not and you’re overdue on your time plan, it might be time to revisit other options.



2. Your dreams are starting to suffer due to the time constraint.


I know one thing, I was debating quitting my job for two reasons: to trade Forex full time or to play in real estate.


Either way, I know how much the time constraint 40-50 hours a week can be during the hours you’re probably the most alert and focused. And that’s a light workweek. Imagine if it’s 70+ hours that you’re working.


You might also experience this feeling when your side hustle or business has gotten to the point where it’s ready for true growth, but not with part time input.


This feeling becomes extremely clear when you’re no longer engaged at your main job. You’re there physically but your mind is on your business or a more rewarding career. For me, I was in my chair, physically at work, but I was listening to real estate podcasts/articles and I was even watching my currency trading charts – basically, work was the last thing on my mind.



3. You get the Sunday Blues to the point where you start treating nice outings on Sundays as the Last Supper.


We ALL know what this feels like. I don’t even have to say much.


If you get the Sunday blues, you’re at the wrong job. Straight like that!


It’s not Monday’s fault. If you were on vacation and checked in on Sunday for a full week, Monday would be an awesome damn day.


Remember this:


Sunday blues = Monday woes, Tuesday tremors, Wednesday optimisms, Thursday reliefs, and Friday gratitudes that it’s finally the weekend. Only to start the cycle over.


That’s no way to be happy. That’s an emotional roller coaster.



4. You feel like everybody else is leveling up around you and you’re not.


When I first met my fiance, we were making around the same amount of money and therefore, I was comfortable taking the slower route to career success. A big no-no on my part.


Then she took a job that made almost 3x’s my salary. As you can imagine for a guy and his ego; no bueno. I had to do something.


Sidebar: The only reason why men don’t like women who earn more than them is because of their frail ego. Your ego kills your spirituality. Instead, as Nipsey Hussle said, “STEP YO GAME UP!”


Anyways, watching her  along with some of my other peers talk about their career endeavors made me want to work harder.. I had always had a strong work ethic and I knew I would become successful career wise, but when you don’t have that extra push behind you, you can get stagnate. You need some external forces that commands you to act now instead of later.


It makes you want to start that business, launch that product, take that next step, follow that dream, apply for that awesome job, or speak to that individual who can give you insight. Either way, it makes you move forward toward life changing experiences.



5. Everything you used to have no problem dealing with, now pisses you off.


Remember when you first started your current job? Everything was peachy, you maybe showed up to work early, greeted everyone, and even whistled while you worked. Is that the same case now? Are the tiniest things starting to piss you off to the point where it makes you think about the day where you throw up two middle fingers as you make your departure?


If so, time to go!


Now, mind you, I worked in the department that handled all the warranty and product/shipping issues.


Customer received the wrong order? Call Austin


Product not working correctly? Call Austin


Need something replaced? Call Austin.


Having problems technically? Call Austin.


Basically, if you had an issue, you called me. I was in charge of handling most of the company’s customer problems.


Every call that came through was a problem! After time, it weighs down on your spirits. I didn’t hate helping others get what they want or needed, but now I’m helping investors buy 9 unit apartment buildings, not helping an elderly lady in Iowa get a replacement bulb for her lamp that has been sitting in the same corner for years. I’m much happier doing the former.


Getting closer and closer to my breaking point, every single complaint pissed me off more and more. I wouldn’t show it or act on it, but internally, I was pissed off.


Now that I think about it, there’s probably a few elderly people that didn’t get their light bulbs because of me towards the end of my stint.


Could you imagine if they’re still in the dark?



All that to say…


Quitting your job is no easy task. It’s fearful and the risks are real. At the end of the day, simply plan for your departure. Save up some money, have a back up plan and pull the trigger! Your future self will thank you.


I don’t want to seem like an individual who made the decision so easily. I was scared to the point I was numb. Especially since I wasn’t going into another job, I was starting a business. But deep down, I knew it was time to quit so I acted in spite of fear and it was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.


Your work and sleep will take up a major amount of your time here on this Earth. I know you enjoy sleep. Make sure you enjoy your work as well…


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